How to install and work with react js

React Js is a javascript library developed by Facebook developer for developing the front-end part of an application

In React Js we can create reusable UI components. This is the most popular framework for developing the front-end part of an aplication.

To start work with React Js. We should be familiar with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before starting the React Js.

To install before the React Js. We need to install Node and Node Package Manager (NPM). We can install NPM from the official site

We suppose that you have already installed Node js and NPM in your System. We can install React Js with multiple ways but we will install React with create-react-app React Installation module

So now we need to install create-react-app module as a global in our system directory. E.g

     npm install -g create-react-app 

Now run the following command to create the project folder and application. Where we want to create the project.

     C:Projects> create-react-app my-new-react-app 

Here C:Projects> is the directory where we want to create our new React Js application. create-react-app is the command to create new React Js Application and my-new-react-app is the folder and application name.

So now new React Js application has been installed with a default hello world! example. Now go into the my-new-react-app folder. e.g cd my-new-react-app

Start the application by npm start command. Now our application will start and We can browes it on http://localhost:8080/ Url.

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