Top 50+ Linux Commands

Linux is a powerful operating system with a rich set of commands that allow you to control nearly every aspect of the system. Here is a list of over 50 Linux commands that you should know, including some of the most important ones:

File and Directory Commands

  1. ls: List files and directories.
  2. cd: Change the current directory.
  3. pwd: Print the current working directory.
  4. cp: Copy files and directories.
  5. mv: Move or rename files and directories.
  6. rm: Remove files and directories.
  7. mkdir: Create a directory.
  8. rmdir: Remove empty directories.
  9. touch: Create an empty file or update the timestamp.
  10. ln: Create links (symbolic or hard).

File Viewing and Searching Commands

  1. cat: Concatenate and display files.
  2. less: View files interactively, allowing you to scroll.
  3. more: View files interactively, similar to less.
  4. head: Display the beginning of a file.
  5. tail: Display the end of a file.
  6. grep: Search for patterns within files.
  7. find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy.
  8. locate: Quickly find files by name.
  9. du: Display disk usage of files and directories.

File Manipulation Commands

  1. chmod: Change file permissions.
  2. chown: Change file ownership.
  3. chgrp: Change file group ownership.
  4. tar: Create and extract archive files.
  5. gzip: Compress files.
  6. gunzip: Decompress files.
  7. bzip2: Compress files with the bzip2 algorithm.
  8. bunzip2: Decompress files with the bzip2 algorithm.
  9. zip: Create a zip archive.
  10. unzip: Extract a zip archive.

Network Commands

  1. ping: Test network connectivity.
  2. ifconfig: Display or configure network interfaces.
  3. netstat: Display network connections and statistics.
  4. traceroute: Trace the route packets take to a network host.
  5. wget: Download files from the web.
  6. curl: Transfer data from or to a server.
  7. ssh: Securely connect to a remote server.
  8. scp: Securely copy files to or from a remote server.
  9. ftp: Transfer files using the FTP protocol.
  10. sftp: Securely transfer files using the SFTP protocol.

Process Management Commands

  1. ps: Display information about processes.
  2. top: Display dynamic information about running processes.
  3. htop: Interactive process viewer (if installed).
  4. kill: Terminate processes.
  5. pkill: Terminate processes by name or attribute.
  6. jobs: Display a list of background jobs.
  7. bg: Resume a background job.
  8. fg: Bring a background job to the foreground.
  9. nice: Execute a command with a modified scheduling priority.
  10. renice: Change the scheduling priority of running processes.

System Management Commands

  1. df: Display disk space usage.
  2. free: Display memory usage.
  3. uptime: Display system uptime and load averages.
  4. uname: Display system information.
  5. hostname: Display or set the system's hostname.
  6. date: Display or set the system date and time.
  7. timedatectl: Query and change system clock and time settings.
  8. sudo: Execute commands as another user (typically root).
  9. su: Switch user accounts.
  10. useradd: Create a new user account.
  11. usermod: Modify an existing user account.
  12. userdel: Delete a user account.
  13. groupadd: Create a new group.
  14. groupdel: Delete a group.

These commands are just the beginning of what you can do in Linux. By learning how to use them effectively, you will gain significant control over your Linux system.

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