Developing Multi-Modal Bots with Django, GPT-4, Whisper, and DALL-E

Developing a multi-modal bot using Django as the web framework, GPT-4 for text generation, Whisper for speech-to-text, and DALL-E for image generation involves integrating several technologies and services. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to develop such a bot.

  1. Set Up Your Development Environment Install Django

    First, set up a Django project if you haven't already.

                        pip install django
                        django-admin startproject multimodal_bot
                        cd multimodal_bot
                        django-admin startapp bot                    

    Install Required Packages

    You'll need to install OpenAI's API client to interact with GPT-4, Whisper, and DALL-E.

                        pip install openai

  2. Configure Django Settings

    In your, add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

                        INSTALLED_APPS = [

  3. Set Up OpenAI API Integration Configure OpenAI API Key

    Add your OpenAI API key to your Django settings. Create a new file in your project directory and add.

                        OPENAI_API_KEY = 'your-openai-api-key'                    

    Import this configuration in your

                        from .config import OPENAI_API_KEY

    Create a Service Layer for OpenAI API Calls

    Create a new file in your bot app

                        # bot/
                        import openai
                        from django.conf import settings
                        openai.api_key = settings.OPENAI_API_KEY
                        def generate_text(prompt):
                            response = openai.Completion.create(
                            return response.choices[0].text.strip()
                        def transcribe_audio(audio_path):
                            # Assuming you have Whisper set up to process audio files locally
                            response = openai.Audio.transcribe(
                                file=open(audio_path, 'rb'),
                            return response['text']
                        def generate_image(prompt):
                            response = openai.Image.create(
                            return response['data'][0]['url']                    

  4. Create Views for the Bot Define Views

    In your, define views to handle text generation, audio transcription, and image generation

                        # bot/
                        from django.http import JsonResponse
                        from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
                        from .services import generate_text, transcribe_audio, generate_image
                        def generate_text_view(request):
                            if request.method == 'POST':
                                prompt = request.POST.get('prompt')
                                if prompt:
                                    text = generate_text(prompt)
                                    return JsonResponse({'text': text})
                            return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)
                        def transcribe_audio_view(request):
                            if request.method == 'POST' and request.FILES.get('audio'):
                                audio = request.FILES['audio']
                                audio_path = f'/tmp/{}'
                                with open(audio_path, 'wb') as f:
                                    for chunk in audio.chunks():
                                text = transcribe_audio(audio_path)
                                return JsonResponse({'text': text})
                            return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)
                        def generate_image_view(request):
                            if request.method == 'POST':
                                prompt = request.POST.get('prompt')
                                if prompt:
                                    image_url = generate_image(prompt)
                                    return JsonResponse({'image_url': image_url})
                            return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid request'}, status=400)                    

  5. Create URLs for the Views

    In your, map the URLs to the views

                        # bot/
                        from django.urls import path
                        from .views import generate_text_view, transcribe_audio_view, generate_image_view
                        urlpatterns = [
                            path('generate-text/', generate_text_view, name='generate_text'),
                            path('transcribe-audio/', transcribe_audio_view, name='transcribe_audio'),
                            path('generate-image/', generate_image_view, name='generate_image'),

    Include these URLs in your project's

  6. Front-End Integration

    To interact with your bot, create a simple front-end using HTML and JavaScript. You can use AJAX to send requests to your Django views.

    Example HTML

                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="UTF-8">
                            <title>Multi-Modal Bot</title>
                            <script src=""></script>
                            <h1>Multi-Modal Bot</h1>
                            <h2>Text Generation</h2>
                            <textarea id="text-prompt" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
                            <button id="generate-text">Generate Text</button>
                            <p id="text-result"></p>
                            <h2>Audio Transcription</h2>
                            <input type="file" id="audio-file">
                            <button id="transcribe-audio">Transcribe Audio</button>
                            <p id="audio-result"></p>
                            <h2>Image Generation</h2>
                            <textarea id="image-prompt" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
                            <button id="generate-image">Generate Image</button>
                            <img id="image-result" src="" alt="Generated Image">
                                $('#generate-text').click(function() {
                                    $.post('/bot/generate-text/', {
                                        prompt: $('#text-prompt').val()
                                    }, function(data) {
                                $('#transcribe-audio').click(function() {
                                    var formData = new FormData();
                                    formData.append('audio', $('#audio-file')[0].files[0]);
                                        url: '/bot/transcribe-audio/',
                                        type: 'POST',
                                        data: formData,
                                        processData: false,
                                        contentType: false,
                                        success: function(data) {
                                $('#generate-image').click(function() {
                                    $.post('/bot/generate-image/', {
                                        prompt: $('#image-prompt').val()
                                    }, function(data) {
                                        $('#image-result').attr('src', data.image_url);

  7. Run the Django Server

    Start your Django development server:

                        python runserver


You've now created a multi-modal bot using Django to integrate GPT-4 for text generation, Whisper for speech-to-text, and DALL-E for image generation. This bot can generate text based on user prompts, transcribe audio files, and create images based on textual descriptions. The front-end allows users to interact with these features via a simple web interface.

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