How does the typeof operator work in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the typeof operator is used to determine the type of a variable or an expression. It returns a string indicating the data type of the operand.

Basic Usage:

            typeof variableName;

  1. Primitive Types:
    • For primitive types (except null), typeof returns a string indicating the type:
                              typeof 42; // "number"
                              typeof "Hello"; // "string"
                              typeof true; // "boolean"       
                              typeof undefined; // "undefined"
  2. Objects:
    • For objects, except null, typeof returns "object":
                              typeof {}; // "object"
                              typeof []; // "object"
                              typeof new Date(); // "object"                        
  3. Function:
    • typeof returns "function" for functions:
                              typeof function() {}; // "function"
  4. null:
    • typeof null returns "object", which is a historical quirk in JavaScript:
                              typeof null; // "object"
  5. Undefined Variables:
    • For undefined variables, typeof returns "undefined":
                              let x;
                              typeof x; // "undefined"                        
  • typeof is a unary operator, and it does not require parentheses when used.
  • It's important to note that typeof has some quirks, like returning "object" for null . This behavior is a historical mistake in the language and has been kept for backward compatibility reasons.
  • typeof is useful for performing type checks or determining the type of a variable before performing certain operations.

            function example(value) {
                if (typeof value === 'number') {
                  return 'It is a number';
                } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
                  return 'It is a string';
                } else {
                  return 'It is of another type';
              console.log(example(42)); // Outputs: 'It is a number'
              console.log(example('Hello')); // Outputs: 'It is a string'
              console.log(example(true)); // Outputs: 'It is of another type'              

typeof is a handy tool for performing basic type checks, but for more comprehensive type checking or handling different object types, other methods or libraries might be neede

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