How To Access Elements in the DOM

Accessing elements in the Document Object Model (DOM) can be done in various ways using JavaScript. Here are some common methods:

  1. getElementById():

                        let element = document.getElementById('elementId');

    This method fetches an element using its unique ID.

  2. getElementsByClassName():

                        let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('className');

    Retrieves elements with a specific class name, returning a collection (array-like object).

  3. getElementsByTagName():

                        let elements = document.getElementsByTagName('tag');

    Fetches elements by their tag name, returning a collection.

  4. querySelector():

                        let element = document.querySelector('CSS selector');

    Uses CSS selectors to find the first matching element.

  5. querySelectorAll():

                        let elements = document.querySelectorAll('CSS selector');

    Returns a collection of elements that match the provided CSS selector.

Manipulating the DOM Elements:

Once you have access to the elements, you can manipulate them by changing their attributes, content, styles, etc.


            // Access an element by ID
            let element = document.getElementById('myElementId');
            // Change text content
            element.textContent = 'New text';
            // Add a CSS class
            // Modify an attribute
            element.setAttribute('href', '');
            // Change CSS styles
   = 'blue';            

Remember to handle cases where elements might not exist or if the selection results in an empty collection to prevent errors in your code.

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