How To Modify CSS Classes in JavaScript

Modifying CSS classes in JavaScript involves manipulating the classList property of DOM elements. Here's a basic guide on how to do it:

Adding a CSS Class:

You can add a CSS class to an element using the classList.add() method.

            // Get the element
            const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');
            // Add a CSS class

Removing a CSS Class:

Removing a class is done using classList.remove().

            // Get the element
            const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');
            // Remove a CSS class

Toggling a CSS Class:

You can toggle a class on and off using classList.toggle().

            // Get the element
            const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');
            // Toggle a CSS class

Checking if an Element has a Class:

To check if an element has a specific class, you can use classList.contains().

            // Get the element
            const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');
            // Check if the element has a CSS class
            if (element.classList.contains('yourClassName')) {
              // Do something

Modifying Multiple Classes:

You can also work with multiple classes at once, separating them by spaces.

            // Get the element
            const element = document.getElementById('yourElementId');
            // Add multiple classes
            element.classList.add('class1', 'class2', 'class3');
            // Remove multiple classes
            element.classList.remove('class1', 'class2');
            // Toggle multiple classes
            element.classList.toggle('class1', 'class2');            

Remember to replace ourElementId with the ID of the HTML element you want to manipulate, and yourClassName with the class name you want to add, remove, or toggle.

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