How To Set Up a React Project with Vite

Setting up a React project with Vite is quite straightforward due to Vite's efficient development server and fast build times. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up a basic React project using Vite:


Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine.

  1. Create a New React Project:

    You can use the create-vite package to scaffold a new React project:

                        npm init vite@latest my-react-app --template react
                        # Or with Yarn
                        yarn create vite my-react-app --template react                    

    Replace my-react-app with the name of your project.

  2. Navigate to Your Project Directory:

                        cd my-react-app

  3. Install Dependencies:

                        npm install
                        # Or with Yarn

  4. Run the Development Server:

                        npm run dev
                        # Or with Yarn
                        yarn dev                    

    This will start the Vite development server. By default, it will run on http://localhost:3000.

  5. Start Building Your React App:

    You can begin developing your React application within the src directory. Vite's development server supports fast HMR (Hot Module Replacement) for efficient development.

  6. Build for Production:

    When you're ready to deploy your React app, use the following command to create a production build.

                        npm run build
                        # Or with Yarn
                        yarn build                    

    This command generates a production-optimized build in the dist directory.

Additional Notes:
  • Vite uses ES modules by default, allowing for faster development and improved performance during development.
  • You can import ES modules directly in your code without additional configuration.
  • Vite supports TypeScript, SCSS, and other preprocessors out of the box. You can modify the project structure as needed.

This setup provides a simple and efficient development environment for building React applications using Vite, taking advantage of its speed and optimized development experience.

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