How To Use Decorators in TypeScript

In TypeScript, decorators provide a way to add both annotations and a meta-programming syntax for classes, methods, properties, or parameters. Decorators are functions that can be used to modify the behavior of these declarations.

Basic Decorator Syntax:

Here's a basic structure of a decorator function:

            function myDecorator(target: any, propertyKey: string) {
                // Modify behavior here
                console.log(`Decorating ${propertyKey} of ${target}`);
              class MyClass {
                myMethod() {
                  // Method logic

Types of Decorators:
  1. Class Decorators: Applied to classes.
  2. Method Decorators: Applied to methods within a class.
  3. Property Decorators: Applied to properties within a class.
  4. Parameter Decorators: Applied to constructor parameters within a class.
Example: Method Decorator

            function log(target: any, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
                const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
                descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
                  console.log(`Calling method ${key} with args: ${args}`);
                  return originalMethod.apply(this, args);
                return descriptor;
              class Example {
                greet(message: string) {
                  console.log(`Hello, ${message}!`);
              const instance = new Example();

In this example:

  • log is a method decorator that intercepts the method execution.
  • descriptor.value contains the original method, and it's replaced with a wrapper function that logs before executing the original method.
Preparing TypeScript for Decorators:

To use decorators in TypeScript, ensure that:

  • "experimentalDecorators": true is set in your tsconfig.json file.
  • The TypeScript version supports decorators (which is generally the case in recent versions).
Notes on Decorators:
  • Decorators execute from top to bottom when a class is defined, not when instances are created.
  • They can accept arguments and return values, allowing them to be highly configurable.
  • They're useful for adding logging, validation, and other cross-cutting concerns without modifying the core logic of your classes or methods.

decorators are a powerful feature, but they require understanding their behavior and potential impacts on code execution and maintainability.

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