Interpolation in Angular

Interpolation in Angular is a fundamental feature that allows you to bind data from your component to your HTML templates. It is denoted by double curly braces {{ }} and is one of the ways to perform data binding in Angular.

Here's how interpolation works:

  1. Binding Data: Interpolation is used to display component data in the HTML template. For example, if you have a variable name in your component:

                        // Component
                        export class MyComponent {
                          name: string = 'John';

    You can display this variable in your template using interpolation:

                        <!-- Template -->
                          <p>Welcome, {{ name }}!</p>

    When Angular renders this component, it replaces {{ name }} with the value of the name variable from the component, resulting in the HTML displaying "Welcome, John!".

  2. Expressions: Interpolation can handle simple expressions within {{ }}. For instance:

                        // Component
                        export class MyComponent {
                          age: number = 25;

    You can perform simple operations:

                        <!-- Template -->
                        <p>Age after 5 years: {{ age + 5 }}</p>

    This will display "Age after 5 years: 30".

  3. String Concatenation: Interpolation also allows concatenating strings:

                        // Component
                        export class MyComponent {
                          firstName: string = 'John';
                          lastName: string = 'Doe';

    In the template:

                        <!-- Template -->
                        <p>{{ 'Full Name: ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName }}</p>

    This will display "Full Name: John Doe".

Interpolation is a simple and powerful way to bind data from your Angular component to your HTML templates, making it easy to display dynamic content and variables in your web application.

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