What is Data Binding in Angular

Data binding in Angular is a powerful feature that establishes a connection between the UI (User Interface) and the underlying data in the application. It allows for automatic synchronization of data between the component and the view (HTML).

Types of Data Binding in Angular:

  1. Interpolation (One-Way Binding):
    • Syntax: {{ data }}
    • Description: It binds data from the component to the view. Changes in the component are reflected in the view but not vice versa.
  2. Property Binding (One-Way Binding):
    • Syntax: [property]="data"
    • Description: It sets the value of an HTML element property to the value of a component's property. Data flows from the component to the view.
  3. Event Binding (One-Way Binding):
    • Syntax: (event)="expression"
    • Description: It captures events (e.g., click, input) from the view and triggers methods in the component. Data flows from the view to the component.
  4. Two-Way Binding (Combination of Property and Event Binding):
    • Syntax: [(ngModel)]="data"
    • Description: It allows for both reading and writing to a property. Changes in the view update the component and changes in the component update the view.

How Data Binding Works in Angular:

  • Change Detection Mechanism: Angular's change detection mechanism monitors changes in the component properties and automatically updates the view accordingly.
  • Component Interaction: Data binding simplifies the interaction between components and their templates, enabling seamless communication between the two.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: As data changes in the component, the bound elements in the view update automatically, ensuring a real-time and reactive UI.


In an Angular component, if you have a property named userName:

            // Inside the component class
            userName = "John Doe";            

You can bind this property to the view using interpolation:

            <!-- Inside the component's HTML template -->
            <p>Welcome, {{ userName }}!</p>

When the userName property changes in the component (e.g., this.userName = "Alice";), Angular's data binding mechanism automatically updates the corresponding view, reflecting the new value in the displayed message without manually manipulating the DOM.

Data binding significantly simplifies the development of dynamic and responsive applications in Angular by reducing manual DOM manipulation and keeping the UI in sync with the application's data.

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