What types of popup boxes are there in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are three commonly used types of popup boxes:

  1. Alert Box ( alert() ): This displays a message to the user in a small dialog box. It contains a message and an OK button. It's often used for displaying information to the user that requires immediate attention. Here's an example:

                        alert("This is an alert message!");

  2. Confirm Box ( confirm() ): This presents a message to the user along with two buttons - OK and Cancel. It's primarily used to get a confirmation from the user before taking an action. It returns true if the user clicks OK and false if the user clicks Cancel. Example:

                        var result = confirm("Are you sure you want to proceed?");
                        if (result === true) {
                            // Code to execute if OK is clicked
                        } else {
                            // Code to execute if Cancel is clicked

  3. Prompt Box ( prompt() ): This prompts the user to enter input through a dialog box. It allows the user to input a value along with OK and Cancel buttons. It returns the value entered by the user if OK is clicked, or null if Cancel is clicked. Example:

                        var userInput = prompt("Please enter your name:", "John Doe");
                        if (userInput !== null) {
                            // Code to handle the user input
                            console.log("Hello, " + userInput);
                        } else {
                            // Code to handle Cancel button click
                            console.log("User canceled the prompt.");

These popup boxes are useful for interacting with users through simple dialogs in web applications. However, they can sometimes disrupt the user experience if overused, so they should be used thoughtfully and sparingly.

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