Explain the difference between ID selector and class selector in jQuery

In jQuery, selectors are used to target and manipulate specific elements in a document. Both ID selectors and class selectors are used to select elements, but they differ in how they target and identify those elements.

ID Selector:
  • Denoted by the # symbol followed by the ID name (e.g., $('#myId')).
  • Selects a single element on the page by its unique ID attribute.
  • IDs must be unique within an HTML document; only one element should have a specific ID.
  • Used to target a specific, unique element for manipulation.
  • Generally used when you want to apply unique functionality or styling to a particular element.



Class Selector:
  • Denoted by the . symbol followed by the class name (e.g., $('.myClass')).
  • Selects multiple elements that share the same class attribute.
  • Classes can be applied to multiple elements, allowing you to style or manipulate multiple elements at once.
  • Used when you want to apply similar functionality or styling to multiple elements.


Key Differences:
  1. Uniqueness:
    • ID selectors target a single unique element by its ID attribute.
    • Class selectors target multiple elements that share the same class attribute.
  2. Usage:
    • IDs are typically used for unique elements and for specific, targeted manipulation or styling.
    • Classes are used when multiple elements need to share the same behavior or style.
  3. Syntax:
    • ID selectors use # followed by the ID name (#myId).
    • Class selectors use . followed by the class name (.myClass).

In summary, ID selectors target unique elements by their IDs, while class selectors target multiple elements that share the same class attribute. Both are powerful tools for targeting and manipulating elements in jQuery, with their uses dependent on the specific requirements of your web development tasks.

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